Autism Act


This page tells you more about the Autism Act. The film outlines the developments that led to the Act and its main provisions. And, on this page, you will find useful links to further information.

The Autism Act has two parts:
The first points out the duty of the Secretary of State, with the help of autistic people, their families, carers and those providing services currently, to prepare and publish an autism strategy for the improvement in delivery of services to autistic adults from local authorities and the national health service by 1st April 2010 and to review this strategy regularly.

The second lists the 7 points to be included in the guidance which concern:
• diagnosis of adults
• identification of adults with autism
• providing assessment of needs for those people to access services
• planning for transition between child and adult services
• planning provision of other services to autistic adults
• providing training on autism for staff providing these services
• local arrangements for leadership in relation to the provision of services to adults with such conditions

It also calls for consultation to take place between the secretary of state and the relevant services before guidelines are set in order to seek their participation in this.
This seventh point is the one that was responsible for the setting up of local partnership boards after local consultation meetings with families, professionals and individuals with experience of autism.

front cover of the Autism ActAccording to Mark Lever, CEO of the National Autistic Society
” now the next step will be to translate the strategy into decisive action at a local level – this momentous opportunity to transform the lives of people with autism and their families must not be wasted.”

The Partnership Board in Lancashire follows the strategy aims as laid down in Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives (2010), Think Autism (2014)and Adult Autism Strategy: statutory guidance (2015), working together for the benefit of autistic adults across the county.

Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives states that:
“the key is that local partners come together in one place to discuss priorities and challenges together” (6.13)

This is what we do together in Lancashire through our Board.

Downloads and links:


Autism Act (2009):

Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives front coverFulfilling and Rewarding Lives (2010):

Think Autism (2014):

Adult Autism Strategy: statutory guidance (2015):

Care Act (2014):